Masaa machache tu baada ya Tuzo za Mombasa Awards kukamilika, hisia zilimiminika kwa fujo mitandaoni. Hisia zikiwa tofauti tofauti kutoka kwa mashabiki na washikadau wote wa sekta ya sanaa.
Kuna wale walio appreciate awards hizo kuna wale waliozikashifu vile vile. Wengi walikua na yakusema kuhusiana na maandalizi hata mwisho awards zenyewe.
Pite pite zangu, nilikumbana na hili hapa ambapo Dvj Ivory Patrick Simiyu amefunguka na kuja wazi. Haya ndio alioandika kwa Facebook Account yake: -
"In order for us to succeed we need to truly support each other.
The reason why the industry does not grow is bcoz we r our own enemy.
Tuko na ubinafsi unafiki na upambe(ushabiki wa uongo)
We can never support our own
Mpaka atoke nje akubalike ndio tumkubali. (Most of the time it happens) thats hypocricy.
For this industry to grow we need real support and not condemning everyone trying to bring change no matter how shady they may seem.
Shida ni kuwa hapa kwetu nyumbani Wapondaji ni wengi kuliko supporters na hao Wapondaji ndio wakwanza kwa List wakisema "let's Support our own. (funny)"
You drink whine While preaching water.
Instead of condemning why dont you look for a correct way of airing your criticism, kuliko kuanika kila kitu social media. Making the whole world know the weakness we have also making the have the strength to attack us ... (Wonder why we don't get the respect from our fans all over promoters etc.) Tunadharauliwa.
And the funniest part is most people who always Diss almost everything are people who have Proper foundation in the industry.
Wakubwa zetu. Walionza mbele yetu. Wengine wao ni wenzetu tunaishi nao tunakula nao.
Instead of being part of the problem why don't you keep quiet and work for it in Silence, find solutions , put them in work and Shut the hell up!
Be good examples, be good mentors.
Munazidi kupotosha Industry
Munapotosha Mashabiki
Industry haina upendo
Haina Umoja
Industry imetengana
Mafans hawana budi bali kusupport kazi za nje because they have lost hopes in us. Because we don't believe in us.
Kama wewe ni msanii, Deejay, Promoter, Event Organizer, Dancer, Mc, Etc. Bring Change
Make these fans believe in the industry once again.
We compete too much and that is why everytime we stereotype alot about someones work so we can feel better about ourselves.
Forget about competition lets work work together which I know its close to impossible then Lets Atleast be happy for each other.
Stop the stereotype Lets Mantain the Respect for the industry.
We all know that not everyone is good at what they do but with Us believing in us it brings A big Change.
Blessed sunday
Je, wewe kama shabiki wa sanaa ya pwani unalipi lakuongezea?
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